Dealing with feedback

26 May 2017

For any business reviews carry considerable weight in the public eye. Sites such as Yell, Google and TripAdvisor create public forums and are often platforms that would-be customers consult. Though you will always aim to provide the best service possible, there is always the chance you may receive a bad review online. Negative reviews might be hard to read but it’s important to know how to handle them.

From a marketing and public image perspective you should never make a point to argue with online comments! As in all situations when you’re led to anger the best thing to do is take a deep breath, use it as a learning exercise and move on.

Complaints and negative feedback is always hard to hear. However, it’s important to handle it professionally. Negative feedback should be looked at as helpful market research. It highlights an issue with your service that you can improve on, so be proactive! Always reply to negative customer reviews as this shows you’re paying attention and interested in your customers. Reply to the customer and let them know you will look into the problem and feedback with a positive attitude. This will serve to dispel some of their negativity and show other readers you care and want to improve your service.

You might want to be defences or set the record straight with your side of the story but pointing this out will only put the customer on the defensive and makes you look petty. As well as this, readers will never know the full situation despite your efforts.

All businesses may get bad reviews but the best thing is to just take them on board and learn from them. Don’t respond in anger, as this will just make you look unprofessional and silly.

It takes years to build a reputation and it can all be lost in seconds online. Keep this in mind whenever conducting yourself on any digital platform.

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